Revenge of the Squid by Ted’s Budz


Revenge of the Squid


Ted’s Budz


Bonafide Maywood


Mentholated Cherry Lozenge, Star Anise, Fresh Rubber Sole. Vol. 6


Several medium-sized nugs make up my sample 1/8th. Leaning towards the drier side, perfect for joints and vaporization. Trim is fine, healthy herb. “B” Grade


Candy Wax Lips, Pasta Water, Butane, Pretzel Dough, Anise, Black Pepper. Vol. 7


Medium Strength – Calm mind. Tranquil body. Enough kick after a couple hits to remind you that this is powerful herb, without being a full-blown distortion of your senses. Best classified as a hybrid.


Ted’s Budz has become synonymous with high quality, exotic cannabis. Anytime a new drop comes around it is most likely worth checking out. Revenge of the Squid is a callback to their former strain, Big Squid, so let’s see if this big ol’ octopus daddy can bring the heat.

First thing I notice upon opening the pack is an aggressive menthol and cherry aroma. Breaking open the bud reveals a snappy star anise pod scent along with a little pepper. Lastly, a bit of fresh rubber resembling the sole of the shoe, comes out a bit on the backend.

The composition of the bud reminds me of many White Cherry Gelato phenos that I’ve seen in the past. Tightly coiled flowers, crusty jagged trichomes, and deep purple patches are of note.

Revenge has some really interesting flavors goin’ on: Cherry-flavored candy wax lips come to mind on the initial exhale, before a slightly mealy pasta water, salted dough, and odorless gas come into the mix.

On the retrohale, you can find subtle notes of black licorice rope and black pepper. Overall, the finish is quite spicy, earthy, and slightly bitter… I even get a tiny bit of charred endive in the right places.

There’s no denying that this checks the box in the effects category. Flower like this is going to hit us all in different ways, but I found my eyes got real heavy and my mind was set at ease. A tranquility came over my body without weighing it down. A strong score in this bracket.

So does Revenge of the Squid hold up to its distributors reputation? Yes, and no. The terps have promise, but this particular batch just seems like it might be a little off – not as potent as it’s potential. But effects-wise this is just as powerful as you’d expect from top tier cannabis. Ted’s Budz does it again with their clean, healthy, hard-hitting flower.